Vile vortices on history channel
Vile vortices on history channel

In Fable II and Fable III, the Hero can use any spell in his or her repertoire as often as he or she likes, as the Hero possesses a limitless supply of mana. Once the Hero runs out of this energy, he will be unable to use spells until his Will energy re-charges or until he uses a Will potion. In Fable and Fable: The Lost Chapters, when using spells, the Hero expends some of his Will energy. There are many kinds of different spells. This is another known fact about Will: while a Hero's Will might not be strong and their spells not powerful, the raw magical energy or Willpower itself cannot be blocked for there is no substance or material natural or created that is immune to Will and its effects. In the Old Kingdom many things like Shards were powered by Willpower. People with strong control over their Will power may also bend reality to their own wishes and/or desires. The three facts that are known about Will is that it is the energy that shapes magic into several powers that humans or the Earth itself possess, and that Will or magic cannot be destroyed, disrupted, blocked, or negated except by using other magical powers. If only Black had this power, however, then it could mean any Will user is related to him. It is unknown how Will is created, though most believe it is made from the soul or mind while others think it is from a unique magical trait in the blood. Thus, Will users were reborn into the world. It was here that, amongst other things, that Nostro taught other Heroes to use Will power. Nostro then went on, with Scythe's sage counsel, to establish the Heroes' Guild.


Scythe taught Nostro how to be a leader of men, which included tutelage in the Powers of Will. Scythe sensed that Nostro unknowingly carried the same power that all of his descendants had shared. Scythe is speculated to be the first Archon, William Black himself. It wasn't until a mercenary and bandit by the name of Nostro met an old man named Scythe that Will power returned to the world. By morning, the tower was gone, the Old Kingdom lay in ruins, and Will power effectively disappeared from the world. Just after its construction, a bright light filled the air and all of Albion shook. One of the Archon's commanded a great tower be built to channel Will energy. After the Archon disappeared, his children began to vie for power. His children also carried on the Will tradition, but with no enemies to fight, they grew petty and used their powers to terrorize the people instead of help them. After Black annihilated The Court and crowned himself Archon, his Will power had become so great that the world seemed to re-shape itself in accordance with his wishes cities were erected in mere weeks, and machines were built that ran on Will power alone. These acts soon became celebrated as the " Powers of Will". Not a lot is known of Black's childhood, but as an adult, he was able to protect his village from attack, as well as perform feats that would require the strength of ten grown men, with his powers of mind. Will or Will Power, can be traced back to the Old Kingdom, from the birth of William Black.

Vile vortices on history channel